
A steady decline in student and public interest in the Humanities and diminishing emphasis on the study of Humanities in academic institutions
Vibrant, compelling and sustainable Humanities research and teaching in universities
Promoting outstanding research programmes in the Humanities; increasing exposure to and enrolment in courses and degree programmes; supporting innovative approaches that recognize the Humanities as a relevant and indispensable part of a university education

A high level of Humanistic research and learning is an essential element in an active and vibrant society. It enables deep and critical engagement with one's own history as well as with the history of others, and appreciation for the time and effort spent exploring Art, Music and Literature. Attaining this requires outstanding academic researchers working in a broad range of Humanities disciplines, able to communicate their knowledge to students and the public alike.

Major efforts have included support for new academic programmes through the Humanities Fund (a partnership with the Planning and Budgeting Committee of the Council for Higher Education); and the Rothschild Faculty Planning Initiative – a grant programme that aims to support the development of academic fields with high potential for intellectual, cultural and societal impact, by promoting long-term planning and focused faculty recruitment.

Report on the State of the Humanities

Council for Higher Education