Teacher Leaders

Teacher Leaders
Focusing teachers’ professional development on classroom teaching practices to improve student learning
Integrating peer learning communities in schools, providing professional support, and strengthening school leadership, while contributing to continual improvement of teaching and learning
Establishing and leading teacher communities that study their teaching practices, engage in reflective analysis of their work supported by data and evidence, provide practical solutions to daily challenges and share best practices

Launched in 2015, Teacher Leaders (Hashkafa) is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Education and Yad Hanadiv. At the national level, the programme is led by the Teaching Staff Authority at the Ministry of Education and the Teacher Leaders Professional Centre (TLPC), established in 2016 at the MOFET Institute. At the district level, Teacher Leaders is managed by the Ministry of Education’s supervisors of professional development, and district and school counsellors.

The initiative is based on extensive research indicating that high quality professional development is an effective way to improve teaching – the most significant school-based factor for student achievement. Accordingly, the programme fosters teachers’ professional development through in-school and teacher-led peer learning communities. These communities are diverse, yet all focus on best teaching practices: reflection, analysis, critique, extracting insights and classroom implementation. Evaluations conducted by various research entities have shown a noticeable improvement in teachers' professional development since the programme was launched in 2015.

The Teacher Leaders Professional Centre provides education staff with comprehensive nationwide support and professional development, formulates practices and work methodologies for communities, consolidates evaluation efforts, fosters knowledge sharing, and offers guidance to programme leaders in each district.

As part of the initiative, more than 5,000 Teacher Leaders are working with some 35,000 colleagues in 1,700 schools across all school districts.

